On 1/18/2013 1:21 PM, Gerald Combs wrote:
Does anyone use the packet list and protocol tree selection mode
preferences? A long time ago in a GTK+ version far far away you could
click-drag in GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE mode and have the selection follow
nearly the same, with slight differences when you hold down the shift or
control keys:
I don't think those differences are significant enough to warrant using
up space in the preferences dialog.
I certainly have never changed this preference....
In a similar vein, does anyone use
the right/left scrollbar placement preference? Unless anyone objects I'm
going to deprecate them.
I agree. Among other things, there's some number of windows which don't
actually follow the preference.
On a different note:
I sometimes think that it might be good to have a separate entry under
Edit ! for the protocol prefs; i.e., Edit ! Protocol Preferences
More often than not I want to change a protocol pref and it's just a bit
annoying to have to downarrow thru all the other prefs first to get to
the protocol prefs.
It the protocol prefs are a separate entry under Edit ! then I think the
protocol prefs should then always just start out as expanded.