Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Outlook 2003 Problems

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Hansang Bae <hbae@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:09:59 -0400
On 11:45 AM 6/9/2005, L. J. Head wrote:
>I am having lockups on my Outlook 2003 and it's network related.  I
>believe it has to do with the client connecting to the server to get
>information but not recieving the response in a timely manner.  I know
>it's network related because if I disable my network card outlook
>immediately responds with my request. 

This doesn't necessarily mean it's a network problem.

> Here is the cruxt of the
>problem.  If I dbl click on items in any of my mail folders that have
>addresses from the GAL, or sometimes when I try to send the email or
>open a calendar item...really anything where it's trying to access the
>server .... except for a send and receive...that never causes it to

So let's get back to the basics.  Have you ensured that the NIC you are using is the first in the order of preference (under binding order)?  You can find this under properties of Network Neighborhood, Advanced, Advanced Settings.  What is your Exchange profile setup to use?  GAL first?  Contacts first?  Or Personal Address list?  Do these all exist? 

>I can continue using the client in one of two ways...either
>disable the nic, re-enable it, and then renew my IP, or I can wait,
>and wait, and wait...sometimes in upwards of 45 minutes.  I have done
>captures of various portions of the transaction but don't know enough
>about what I'm looking at to make any sense....any help is
>appreciated...I will be happy to send the packets to people for
>assistance, thanks

When it locks up, can you ping the exchange server w/o any issue?  If you can't ping it, then you may indeed have network/infrastructure issues.
