Let me start out by thanking anyone that doesn't flame me for this
post...I know it's not Ethereal related but you folks are the only
place I could think to look for people that would know how to read a
packet capture to get my problem diagnosed and hopefully
resolved...any and all assistance is appreciated.
I am having lockups on my Outlook 2003 and it's network related. I
believe it has to do with the client connecting to the server to get
information but not recieving the response in a timely manner. I know
it's network related because if I disable my network card outlook
immediately responds with my request. Here is the cruxt of the
problem. If I dbl click on items in any of my mail folders that have
addresses from the GAL, or sometimes when I try to send the email or
open a calendar item...really anything where it's trying to access the
server .... except for a send and receive...that never causes it to
lockup. I can continue using the client in one of two ways...either
disable the nic, re-enable it, and then renew my IP, or I can wait,
and wait, and wait...sometimes in upwards of 45 minutes. I have done
captures of various portions of the transaction but don't know enough
about what I'm looking at to make any sense....any help is
appreciated...I will be happy to send the packets to people for
assistance, thanks