Ethereal-users: Re: [ethereal-users] Ethereal (multiple vers) core dumps on Sol 7 with AFS traff
> Program terminated with signal 10, Bus Error.
> Reading symbols from
> /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise/lib/
Oh, big surprise, it's SPARC, not x86....
Methinks that casting "&pd[offset]" to "struct rx_header *" in
"dissect_rx()" may be ill-advised, given that there's no guarantee that
"&pd[offset]" is nicely aligned on a 4-byte boundary - in fact, it
isn't, if the stack trace is to be trusted:
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
> #0 0x82e60 in dissect_rx (pd=0x1ecab0 "\b", offset=42, fd=0x28ea00,
> tree=0x0) at packet-rx.c:156
(0x1ecab0 is aligned on a 4-byte boundary, but 42 isn't a multiple of
4), and given that many processors (e.g., SPARC processors) don't like
unaligned references.
> Any help is appreciated.
I've attached a patch. Apply it to "packet-rx.c", and try again.
Index: packet-rx.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/packet-rx.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 packet-rx.c
*** packet-rx.c 2000/01/07 22:05:36 1.6
--- packet-rx.c 2000/01/13 22:51:57
*** 115,129 ****
rx_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_rx);
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_epoch,
! offset, 4, ntohl(rxh->epoch));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_cid,
! offset+4, 4, ntohl(rxh->cid));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_callnumber,
! offset+8, 4, ntohl(rxh->callNumber));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_seq,
! offset+12, 4, ntohl(rxh->seq));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_serial,
! offset+16, 4, ntohl(rxh->serial));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_type,
offset+20, 1, rxh->type);
--- 115,129 ----
rx_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_rx);
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_epoch,
! offset, 4, pntohl(&rxh->epoch));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_cid,
! offset+4, 4, pntohl(&rxh->cid));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_callnumber,
! offset+8, 4, pntohl(&rxh->callNumber));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_seq,
! offset+12, 4, pntohl(&rxh->seq));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_serial,
! offset+16, 4, pntohl(&rxh->serial));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_type,
offset+20, 1, rxh->type);
*** 147,155 ****
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_securityindex,
offset+23, 1, rxh->securityIndex);
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_spare,
! offset+24, 2, ntohs(rxh->spare));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_serviceid,
! offset+26, 2, ntohs(rxh->serviceId));
if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO))
--- 147,155 ----
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_securityindex,
offset+23, 1, rxh->securityIndex);
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_spare,
! offset+24, 2, pntohs(&rxh->spare));
proto_tree_add_item(rx_tree, hf_rx_serviceid,
! offset+26, 2, pntohs(&rxh->serviceId));
if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO))
*** 160,167 ****
"Source Port: %s "
"Destination Port: %s ",
val_to_str(rxh->type, rx_types, "%d"),
! (unsigned long)ntohl(rxh->seq),
! (unsigned long)ntohl(rxh->callNumber),
--- 160,167 ----
"Source Port: %s "
"Destination Port: %s ",
val_to_str(rxh->type, rx_types, "%d"),
! (unsigned long)pntohl(&rxh->seq),
! (unsigned long)pntohl(&rxh->callNumber),