Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] weird colorization desegmentation interaction

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From: aferen@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Andrew C. Feren)
Date: 18 Apr 2002 19:36:31 -0400
Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:34:57AM -0400, Andrew C. Feren wrote:
> > One of my local users discovered a weird bug.  If a user saves their
> > colorization preferences and restarts ethereal (or reloads the
> > tracefile) desegmentation stops working correctly.  (More specifically
> > all desegmentation stops.  The display looks as if desegmentation were
> > disabled.)
> To which display are you referring?
> I.e., does this affect the packet summary display, or does it affect the
> detail display when you click on a packet as well?

I see exactly what I would expect if I had not enabled desegmentation.
In other words I don't see the "Frame"/"Desegmentation" tabs.  Every
TCP packet is interpreted (for better or worse) as a single higher
layer PDU.

What is confusing me is that desegmentation is enabled.  The only
thing that changes is I add colorization and the desegmentation stops

> Colorization currently causes the summary display to be reconstructed;
> it might be possible (and more efficient) to cause colorization of an
> existing display merely to change the colors of the rows.  I'll look
> into that.
> The reconstruction involves redissection of the packets (to construct
> the protocol tree, so the color filter expression can be re-applied);
> however, as no dissection preferences were changed, state information
> built during the first dissection pass is *not* discarded.

This explains why I need to reload the capture before I see the bug.


> Oh, wait, this is with a dissector, or with desegmentation code, that's
> *not* part of the standard Ethereal release?  Oh.  That changes
> things....

Sorry I probably should have mentioned that earlier in my email.  For
what it is worth I have a protocol running over TCP that I am
attempting to desegment.

> Unfortunately, I can't send you the traces I tested with, but if you go
> back and look for the TLS-over-EAP desegmentation patches from Adam
> Sulmicki, sent to ethereal-dev in the past month or so (or, at least,
> wiithin the past few months), I think one or more of them may have a
> segmented TLS-over-EAP capture as a sample.

OK, I found it.  I'm not seeing the same problem when I add
colorization, but TLS-over-EAP is over UDP and not TCP so I am not
sure what this proves.

> > (Maybe I'm doing something foolish in my dissector code.)
> > 
> > Any suggestions on where I might look for this bad interaction?  I'm
> > not sure where to begin my bug hunt.
> Make sure your dissectors are, wherever possible, idempotent.  They
> should update state on the first pass, *and* leave behind enough
> information so that reassembly can be done after the first pass, when a
> packet is clicked on, *regardless of the order in which the user has
> clicked on packets after the first pass was done*, and they should *NOT*
> modify any state after the first pass is done (because, as indicated,
> after the first pass is done, there is *NO* guarantee that packets will
> be visited in any particular order).

I think I am OK here.

> The existing defragmentation/desegmentation code in protocols should
> already be doing that, so if, for example, you're using the
> "reassemble.c" routines, make sure you're using them the same way other
> protocols are using them.

I only use reassemble.c indirectly through TCP.  I did look at the
first dissector to support reassembly (SMB I think) when reassembly
was first added.  Perhaps there have been some subtle changes that I
overlooked.  I'll examine the current dissectors and verify that I am
not doing anything differently.


-Andrew Feren
 Cetacean Networks, Inc.
 Portsmouth, NH