Ethereal-dev: Re: [ethereal-dev] Menu item added to let you search for frames

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Warren Young <tangent@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 13:43:01 -0700
Guy Harris wrote:
> Is that "ed/"vi"-style search, where it wraps around, the right answer?
> Or should it stop at the beginning or the end of the display?

I don't have strong preferences for any particular method, but you get
bonus points if the status bar says something when it wraps around. 
That way, if you keep wrapping without realizing it, you should
eventually see the status bar message and get a clue.
> The UI is a bit clunky for repeated searches - you have to pop up the
> dialog box (with control-F, although sometimes that appears not to work
> - one other widget may be grabbing the ^F or something), and hit
> <Enter>.  Should there be another option for "Search Again"?
> The current accelerator is control-F; is there a better choice (e.g., an
> EMACS-style ^S for a forward search and ^R for a reverse search)?

GNOME programs lean towards Windows/CUA keys, mostly.  EMACS editing
keys apply in edit fields, but that's about the only exception.  Given
that, Ctrl-G would be better for "search again".  Ctrl-F is either
forward or backward search, depending on a checkbox in the Find dialog. 
Ctrl-G obeys the direction set by Ctrl-F.

= Warren Young: |   Yesterday it worked.
= ICBM Address: 36.8274040N, 108.0204086W, | Today it is not working.
=               alt. 1714m                 |   Windows is like that.