I came across this bit in the TIPC dissector. I'm not sure what to make of it
since I don't know the protocol and/or how you use it for your transport.
/* this allows e.g. to dissect everything which is TIPC Data */
tipc_user_dissector = register_dissector_table("tipc.usr",
/* this allows to dissect everything which is TIPC Data and uses a specific
* port name type it actually does not really work because the type is not
* necessarily set in every data message */
tipc_type_dissector = register_dissector_table("tipcv2.port_name_type",
"TIPC port name type", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC);
So, registering IPv4 with either of these tables may work.
On 04/12/2012 09:14 AM, Erik Hugne wrote:
I'm developing a tunnel interface driver for the TIPC protocol, this will
transport data in frames as:
| TIPC |
|Payload |
Where payload is usually IPv4 or IPv6.
There's no indication of the payload type in the TIPC protocol level.
I want to be able to decode the payload manually as IPv4 for example.
Can this be done?
I tried the decode-as option, but this can only handle decoding at the link-level.