Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Réf. : Re: HELLO ABOUT CAMFROG CHAT SYSTEM
If all you need to do is determine what IP addresses are using the service, I doubt you need what you determine as a "plugin" developed (in fact, probably it will be what is called a dissector). Provided you know what ports the application uses, you should be able to filter that using the standard TCP display filters in wireshark. (Or if you don't know exactly what ports are using, try to only run that application on your system and simply surmise from all of the traffic you see what is going on.) You only need a dissector if you need to visualise the intimate details of the application in question.
Unfortunately I don't think anybody is going to develop a dissector for you which might take 10's of hours of work, unless they have their own itch to scratch or their is a large enough demand that warrants it. However I am sure if you put the effort to discover a little about how the application works, and understand how Wireshark dissectors there will be able to help guide you on the wireshake-dev list.
Regards, Martin
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Joseph Johnson
<xbetas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
did some people have try camfrog chat system ont wireshark because i have
camfrog videochat and i will like to understand how to be able to find ip
adresse of conversation like or server ip is it soo complicated to have a
thnaks for the reply sir
-------Message original-------
Date : 2010-09-29 20:01:09
Sujet : Re: [Wireshark-users] HELLO ABOUT CAMFROG CHAT SYSTEM
| did some people have try camfrog chat system ont wireshark because i have
| camfrog videochat and i will like to understand how to be able to find ip
| adresse of conversation like or server ip is it soo complicated to have a
| plugin
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