Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] tshark protocol hierarchy statistics frames count
From: Florent Deybach <fdeybach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 13:55:57 +0200
Hello everybody, I am using tshark to get the protocol hierarchy on several PCAP files with the following command: For example: #tshark.exe -qz io,phs -r file-00018.cap The output is: ============================================= Protocol Hierarchy Statistics Filter: frame frame frames:26721 bytes:21836862 eth frames:26721 bytes:21836862 ip frames:26721 bytes:21836862 tcp frames:25921 bytes:21675514 http frames:11289 bytes:13681015 short frames:11261 bytes:13679287 data frames:765 bytes:232183 ssl frames:5330 bytes:5761777 short frames:4713 bytes:4972534 unreassembled frames:597 bytes:787991 short frames:1479 bytes:1337465 tpkt frames:182 bytes:39858 nbss frames:178 bytes:163832 short frames:75 bytes:31104 data frames:2 bytes:1510 dns frames:32 bytes:12805 short frames:32 bytes:12805 smtp frames:59 bytes:27203 rmi frames:14 bytes:5110 unreassembled frames:24 bytes:4000 dns frames:1 bytes:1423 short frames:1 bytes:1423 ssh frames:1 bytes:75 short frames:1 bytes:75 gtp frames:1 bytes:206 ldap frames:5 bytes:3204 short frames:4 bytes:3136 udp frames:774 bytes:159268 dns frames:711 bytes:145595 short frames:687 bytes:144149 kerberos frames:14 bytes:7435 short frames:14 bytes:7435 ntp frames:17 bytes:1530 short frames:17 bytes:1530 bootp frames:3 bytes:1026 short frames:3 bytes:1026 data frames:8 bytes:480 nbns frames:9 bytes:1361 short frames:8 bytes:1263 snmp frames:8 bytes:974 short frames:6 bytes:732 cldap frames:1 bytes:237 short frames:1 bytes:237 malformed frames:1 bytes:60 nbdgm frames:2 bytes:570 short frames:2 bytes:570 icmp frames:25 bytes:1926 short frames:16 bytes:1256 esp frames:1 bytes:154 ============================================ As you can see, I captured the frames with tcpdump limiting the captured frame size to 68 bytes so there are several frames that are truncated. That is why you can see under almost each protocol a "short" line. The problem is that tshark seems to "forget" (or cannot classify) several frames in the TCP frame count. But only in the TCP frames, not UDPs. When you take the total of TCP frames: "frames:25921", the sum of each protocol in the TCP column immediately "under" the TCP column (without "short") is only 19359 http frames:11289 bytes:13681015 data frames:765bytes:232183 ssl frames:5330bytes:5761777 short frames:1479bytes:1337465 tpkt frames:182 bytes:39858 nbss frames:178 bytes:163832 dns frames:32 bytes:12805 smtp frames:59 bytes:27203 rmi frames:14 bytes:5110 unreassembled frames:24 bytes:4000 ssh frames:1 bytes:75 gtp frames:1 bytes:206 ldap frames:5 bytes:3204 So there are 25921 - 19359 = 6562 missing frames. I have the same behavior with 20 other files containing each 2.000.000 frames, there are 500.000 TCP frames that are not counted on average.... Do you see where the problem is? (I hope I made myself clear ;)) Thanks! Florent
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