Further comments are inline.
Thanks, Jaap
Done 3) st_node_packets = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_packets, 0, TRUE); does not compile Solution : Replace it by : st_node_packets = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_packets, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
Done 4) foo_stats_tree_packet has bad prototype Solution : foo_stats_tree_packet should return tap_packet_status / TAP_PACKET_REDRAW (instead of int / 1)
About register_foo_stat_trees
5) WS_DLL_PUBLIC_DEF void plugin_register_tap_listener(void) does not compile : 1>T:\wireshark\dev\build_sources_3.4--win64\wireshark\plugins\epan\foo\packet-foo.c(192,1): error C2491: 'plugin_register_tap_listener' : définition de fonction dllimport non autorisée 1>Génération du projet "foo.vcxproj" terminée -- ÉCHEC. "Solution" : Use __declspec(dllexport) instead of WS_DLL_PUBLIC_DEF
Nope, this is what ws_symbol_export.h is in place for, to have a cross platform abstraction of dynamically linked identifiers. The build system has to take care of this, the Windows one is especially finicky about the details. 6) __declspec(dllexport) void plugin_register_tap_listener(void) is never called Solution ? : - remove it - call directly register_foo_stat_trees(); from proto_reg_handoff_foo
It is the good way to do ?
Again, this is what the build system is taking care of, to create cross platform abstractions of the dynamic link linking. |