Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Rebuild u/gtk/pixbuf-csource.c/h
From: Lucio Di-Giovannantonio <lucio.digiovannantonio@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 14:05:32 +0000

Hello to everyone,

I’m building Wireshark from an old trunk 2.4.7, and I need to add “myimage_pb_data” to pixbuf-csource.c (pixbuf-csource.h), starting from “myimage.png” file.


The problem is that pixbuf-csource files are generated, but I don’t know how rebuild them to add my image, anyone know how to do that?






Lucio Di Giovannantonio

Senior Software Developer


Keysight Technologies Italy srl – unico socio

Via Policarpo Petrocchi 4 - 20127 Milano (MI) - Italy


Tel: +39 02 923 98108, Telnet: 239 8108

Web. www.keysight.com


