Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] A Wireshark dissector generator for both C and Lua
From: Richard Sharpe <realrichardsharpe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 20:36:13 -0700
Hi folks, I have updated my dissector generator and it can now generate dissectors in C and Lua. I also now include a jar file of all the class files so you do not have to build the dissector generator, you can simply type: java -jar WiresharkGenerator.jar -l some-proto-file and it will spit out a Lua dissector for your protocol. You do need to install the Antlr4 runtime, however. You can find it at: https://gitlab.com/realrichardsharpe/wireshark-generator.git This is example protocol file was developed for Graham Bloice's little protocol (but uses Ethernet frames not TCP/IP): -----------grahams.proto----------------------- endian = big; # Default enum funcs_enum:uint8 { 20 = CONNECT: "connect", 21 = CONNECT_ACK: "connect_ack", 40 = REQUEST_DATA: "request_data", 41 = REQUEST_REPLY: "request_reply", 60 = DISCONNECT: "disconnect", 61 = DISCONNECT_ACK: "disconnect_ack", default = "Reserved" }; enum data_enum:uint8 { 0 = READ_SHORT: "read short", 1 = READ_LONG: "read long", 2 = READ_STRING: "read string", default = "Reserved" }; struct request_reply_data { data_enum "Data id"; switch ("Data id") { case READ_SHORT: uint16_le "Data Short"; # Handles le and be entries explicitly case READ_LONG: uint32_le "Data Long"; case READ_STRING: string "Data String"[15]; default: # REMAINING is a special variable meaning the rest of the tvb byte "Unknown request data"[REMAINING]; }; }; struct header { funcs_enum Function; uint16 Length; }; struct grahams_proto_pdu { header Header; switch (Header/Function) { # Reach into the struct for this case CONNECT: uint32 id; case CONNECT_ACK: uint32 id; case DISCONNECT: uint32 id; case DISCONNECT_ACK: uint32 id; case REQUEST_DATA: data_enum "Data id"; case REQUEST_REPLY: request_reply_data Data; default: byte "Unknown function data"[REMAINING]; }; # If there is any rubbish at the end, insert an unknown data entry switch (REMAINING) { case 0: void; default: byte "Unknown data at end"[REMAINING]; }; }; protoDetails = { "Graham's Protocol", "grahams_proto", "grahamp" }; dissectorEntry grahams_proto = grahams_proto_pdu; dissectorTable["ethertype", "0x893C"] = grahams_proto; --------------------------------------------------- Things I would like to improve: 1. I need to add a way for users to insert things into the Info field. 2. I want to allow switch statements to contain switch statements. 3. I want to also generate code to generate packets conforming to the spec. The reason for item 2 is that users could then specify things like: switch (Header/Function) { case CONNECT: switch (Header/Length) { case 7: void; default: exception("error", "A CONNECT request length must be 7"); }; }; And this would allow the user to easily insert protocol verification code. I will be giving a presentation about this at SharkFest Europe. -- Regards, Richard Sharpe (何以解憂?唯有杜康。--曹操)(传说杜康是酒的发明者)
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