Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] TCAP SRT incorrectly matches TC_BEGINs and TC_ENDs
Hi All,
I have been analyzing a TCAP trace with wireshark with the tcap.srt and tcap.persistentsrt options set to "TRUE".
This should correctly match TCAP Begins (using 2 pass analysis) with their associated TCAP Ends, and vise-versa.
I have attached two files, "correct_matches.pcap" and "incorrect_matches.pcap", that demonstrate some spurious behavior. These two files are from the same feed, and "correct_matches.pcap" contains packets 5, 11, 15, and 19 from "incorrect_matches.pcap".
"correct_matches.pcap" will correctly match packet 1 (TC_BEGIN) with packet 4 (TC_END), and packets 2 and 3 similarly, however, when these packets are analysed with the rest of the feed (incorrect_matches.pcap), these very same packets do not match up.
Instead, packet 5 (packet 1 from "correct_matches") matches with packet 15 (3) instead of packet 19 (4).
As you can guess, this is unexpected behavior.
So in summary, correct_maches.pcap contains:
1 => 4
2 => 3
incorrect_matches contains:
5 => 15
11 => x
x => 19
and the mapping of correct_matches to incorrect_matches is:
1 => 5
2 => 11
3 => 15
4 => 19
Any and all help is appreciated.
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