On Apr 11, 2016, at 7:29 AM, Jeff Morriss <jeff.morriss.ws@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> After creating an initial change to add checkAPI to CMake builds, following the current checks done by nmake, I got the attached (massaged) output.
>> While there are some warnings to be fixed up, I'm more interested in the errors as they'll make a build as bad until fixed. Are these errors ones that should be fixed, or should the offending files be excluded from checkAPI.
>> CUSTOMBUILD : error : Found prohibited APIs in C:/buildbot/builders/windows-x86-petri-dish/windows-x86-petri-dish/build/cmbuild/epan/dfilter/scanner.c: malloc,realloc,free [C:\buildbot\builders\windows-x86-petri-dish\windows-x86-petri-dish\build\cmbuild\epan\dfilter\checkAPI_dfilter.vcxproj]
> Historically we haven't run checkAPIs on generated code. We're trying to keep our developers honest, not Flex et al. :-) Taking the generated code out reduces the list of errors significantly.
Some "generated" code is "generated" by copying it from the .l/.lemon/.y/etc. files; the problem is that we'd like to check that code, but not code that's actually *generated*.
>> CUSTOMBUILD : error : Found prohibited APIs in app_mem_usage.c: open [C:\buildbot\builders\windows-x86-petri-dish\windows-x86-petri-dish\build\cmbuild\epan\checkAPI_epan.vcxproj]
> The 'open()' call is Linux-only
I.e., only on Linux does that code call open().
> so technically it's not a problem (according to the comments in checkApi we prohibit 'open' because of Windows).
I.e., the issue has to do with making sure that, on Windows, a UTF-8 pathname is handled properly. As the code that calls open() isn't used on Windows, it doesn't matter.
> Then again just replacing it with ws_open() is easy enough.
>> CUSTOMBUILD : error : Found prohibited APIs in getopt_long.c: malloc,free [C:\buildbot\builders\windows-x86-petri-dish\windows-x86-petri-dish\build\cmbuild\wsutil\checkAPI_wsutil.vcxproj]
> Technically this isn't our code; I'd say skipping it would be appropriate.
Yes. It's from glibc, so, on Linux, we'll be using glibc's version of that code, and it'll be using malloc() and free() - and, on other UN*Xes that have getopt_long(), we'll be using their version of it, and it'll probably be using malloc() and free().
And the glibc version appears to "handle" malloc() failures by discarding the list of non-option flags if it can't allocate it; if that's not good enough for us, we'd have to have our own version of getopt_long(), at least on Linux, but I don't think that's worth the effort.