I developed an initial version of an ISO 8583-1 financial message standard dissector. And as my first possible contribution I have some doubts.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8583I followed all instructions in the file
README.dissectors to prepare my
code for a future commit on the Wireshark tree (fuzz test, perl and bash
check scripts, etc). I would like to know what else I should do before
to push my code as instructed in this file. Is that ok to push a
dissector not full featured and that support only some versions of the
standard yet?
This is an initial and simplified version that will be enhanced in the
future and intends to be a full feature Financial ISO 8583-1 Wireshark dissector, covering all versions of the standard and
that could be used with the main network protocols.
For this first versions a subset of the specification that defines
some constraints to the messages formats was chosen together with the
simplest TPDU possible, but used very often, for implementations. E.g. It covers only version 1987 and 1993 of the standard and uses a 2 byte length TPDU.
I'm using the dissector in my daily work and some clients are also experimenting it as a plugin for some time now.
I also wrote a wiki page available at http://www.inf.ufes.br/~beto/blog/iso-8583-1-wireshark-dissector that I intend to port to the Wireshark Wiki if allowed by you and keep updated.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
Paulo Roberto Brandão