Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Npcap 0.04 call for test
From: Yang Luo <hsluoyb@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 11:12:05 +0800
Hi Jim,

Did you also use a VirtualBox guest to test Npcap 0.04? I think the cause is the same with Pascal: I added Winsock Kernel init code to loopback interface's OpenAdapter op, if the init fails, the adapter fails to be opened. There're also two ways, first provide me the reproduce steps if you think it's viable. The second is to use the debug version, I have updated the version to 0.04-r2, you can use the debug one and give me the DebugView text I documented for Pascal.

Improvements in Npcap 0.04-r2:
1) Wireshark now can see Npcap version 0.04 instead of 0.03.
2) Added some trace message for WSK.

Lastest installer:

Lastest debug installer:


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Jim Young <jyoung@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Yang,

I have attempted to test Npcap 0.04 on my primary Windows 8.1 machine.

After uninstalling any previous WinPCap or Npcap I rebooted and then successfully installed Npcap 0.04.

The Npcap Loopback Adapter shows up in the list from the Device Manager's Network adapter.

The good news is that starting Wireshark with Npcap 0.04 installed does NOT trigger a BSoD.

But unlike the earlier versions, the NPcap Loopback Adapter does no longer shows up in the list of interfaces available to Wireshark.

Just to be sure of the results I also installed 0.04 on a second Windows 8.1 machine I have access to.  The results were the same.  The Npcap Loopback Adapter is installed but inaccessible to Wireshark.

If you want me to give the 0.04 debug version a try using the steps your documented for Pascal please let me know.

Best regards,

Jim Y. 

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