On Apr 4, 2015, at 1:55 AM, Stig Bjørlykke <stig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 3:30 AM, <mmann78@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I may have gone a little overboard, but I tried to remove all enumerated
>> preferences that really should be Decode As. There were enough nuances to
>> each situation, that I made them all separate patches.
>> https://code.wireshark.org/review/7901 (P_MUL)
> For P_Mul I want the decode-as option to be available from the P_Mul
> preferences, and from (currently only in gtk) second-click in the
> packet details pane and selecting "Protocol Preferences" -> "Decode
> Data PDU as". This because I don't think the users will think about
> the global "Decode As" when trying to configure P_Mul (or any other
> protocol).
There are at least two flavors of protocol "preference":
1) "preferences" that correspond to what the individual user prefers - for example, "Show {TCP,UDP} summary in protocol tree";
2) "preferences" that really correspond to how *a particular capture* should be handled.
For category 2), we might want to have both a "global" default setting (or, rather, a per-profile default setting), with the ability to override the default without changing it.
In addition, some of those settings might be per-conversation - and not necessarily at the level of the protocol to which the setting applies, e.g. you might have XXX-over-TCP and want to control how the XXX payload is dissected, on a per-TCP-connection basis.
"Decode As" settings are in category 2. I could see the *default* setting for those preferences showing up in the UI as protocol preferences, with the "Decode As" UI controlling the override.