Should this chunk of code:
if (tree) {
if (type && (payload_length <= record_length - 16 - 3)) {
proto_item_set_text(tree, "%s Record Layer: Heartbeat "
val_to_str_const(*conv_version, ssl_version_short_names, "SSL"),
proto_tree_add_item(tls_heartbeat_tree, hf_ssl_heartbeat_message_type,
tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
offset += 1;
proto_tree_add_uint(tls_heartbeat_tree, hf_ssl_heartbeat_message_payload_length,
tvb, offset, 2, payload_length);
offset += 2;
proto_tree_add_bytes_format(tls_heartbeat_tree, hf_ssl_heartbeat_message_payload,
tvb, offset, payload_length,
NULL, "Payload (%u byte%s)",
plurality(payload_length, "", "s"));
offset += payload_length;
proto_tree_add_bytes_format(tls_heartbeat_tree, hf_ssl_heartbeat_message_padding,
tvb, offset, padding_length,
NULL, "Padding and HMAC (%u byte%s)",
plurality(padding_length, "", "s"));
} else {
"%s Record Layer: Encrypted Heartbeat",
val_to_str_const(*conv_version, ssl_version_short_names, "SSL"));
"Encrypted Heartbeat Message");
perhaps report an expert info if the payload length is too large? Why is that treated as a "this is encrypted" indication rather than a "somebody's trying to extract whatever's in the server's memory after the request payload" indication?