Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
From: Brian Oleksa <oleksab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 10:28:23 -0400
Wiresharkers: I am dissecting bits not bytes. I am running into some problems. I figured out that bits 5-8 are the version. Bit 4 is the FPI. If FPI = 1...then bits 3 and 2 are present (which is the data compression type). Bit 1 is the GPI. If GPI = 1...then the next Group (G1) is present. The problem that I am having...is if Bit 4 (The FPI) = 0...then I am skipping the next 2 bits (when I shouldn't be). But how am I supposed to not skip these bits when I am selecting specific bits..?? Also....I am not 100% sure how/when to increment the offset and bit_offset. Here is part of the packet that I am trying to dissect: ![]() Here is the code: void proto_register_vmf(void) { static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_vmf_version, { "Version", "vmf.version", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0f, NULL, HFILL}}, { &hf_vmf_fpi, { "FPI", "vmf.fpi", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x10, NULL, HFILL}}, { &hf_vmf_fpi2, { "FPI", "vmf.fpi", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x01, NULL, HFILL}}, { &hf_vmf_fpi3, { "FPI", "vmf.fpi", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x10, NULL, HFILL}}, { &hf_vmf_datacompressiontype, { "Data Compression Type", "vmf.dataCompressionType", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x60, NULL, HFILL}}, { &hf_vmf_gpi, { "GPI", "vmf.gpi", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x80, NULL, HFILL}}, { &hf_vmf_urn, { "URN", "vmf.urn", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}} }; void dissect_vmf(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree) { proto_item *vmf_item = NULL; proto_item *vmf_sub_item = NULL; proto_tree *vmf_tree = NULL; proto_tree *vmf_header_tree = NULL; guint8 fpi; guint8 fpi2; guint8 fpi3; guint8 gpi; col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, PROTO_TAG_VMF); col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO); if (tree) { guint8 bit_offset; guint32 offset; vmf_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_vmf, tvb, 0, -1, FALSE); vmf_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(vmf_item, ett_vmf); vmf_header_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(vmf_item, ett_vmf); vmf_header_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(vmf_sub_item, ett_vmf); { #define MAXIUM_BUFFER 1024 char *buf = (char*)ep_alloc(MAXIUM_BUFFER); char * packet_name = "VMF Message Rev C"; proto_tree *vmf_sub_tree = NULL; offset = 0; bit_offset = 0; g_snprintf(buf, BUFFER, "%s", packet_name); vmf_item = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, 0, "%s", buf); vmf_sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(vmf_item, ett_vmf); //Version proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_version, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); bit_offset += 4; //FPI fpi = tvb_get_bits8(tvb, bit_offset, 1); proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_fpi, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); bit_offset += 1; //Field presence indicator (FPI). If FPI = 1 then the next field is presence. If it = 0 than it is absence. if(fpi == 1) { //Data Compression type proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_datacompressiontype, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); bit_offset += 2; } //GPI gpi = tvb_get_bits8(tvb, bit_offset, 1); proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_gpi, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); bit_offset += 1; //Group presence indicator (GPI). If GPI = 1 then the next field is presence. If it = 0 than it is absence. if(gpi == 1) { //FPI fpi2 = tvb_get_bits8(tvb, bit_offset, 1); proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_fpi2, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); bit_offset += 1; if(fpi2 == 1) { //URN proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_urn, tvb, offset, 3, FALSE); bit_offset += 24; //FPI fpi3 = tvb_get_bits8(tvb, bit_offset, 1); proto_tree_add_item(vmf_sub_tree,hf_vmf_fpi3, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); bit_offset += 1; if(fpi3 == 1) { //UNIT NAME (this is a string) I need to figure out how to deal with a string (this is a max field size of 448 bits) } } } } } } Below is a screen shot. If FPI = 0 then the next field is not present.....so I should NOT skip bits 3 and 2. But I am because in my void proto_register_vmf(void) routine I am selecting certain bits. Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian ![]() On 5/10/2011 12:00 AM, Ankith Agarwal wrote: HiI found these routines in the wireshark.README file: guint8 tvb_get_bits8(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint bit_offset, gint no_of_bits); guint16 tvb_get_bits16(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint bit_offset, gint no_of_bits,gboolean little_endian); guint32 tvb_get_bits32(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint bit_offset, gint no_of_bits,gboolean little_endian); guint64 tvb_get_bits64(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint bit_offset, gint no_of_bits,gboolean little_endian); Is there a way to get a String...??The tvb pointer which is present in the context is an array of characters..indirectly a string.. so, you can copy the values of tvb into a local string variable...(don't forget to get the size of the string)The string that I have ends with a special value of 0xFF ......if this is the case you can copy a character and loop it till the condition of 0xFF doesn't satisfy...string it's self has a bit_offset that is determined at runtime. How do I read this..??You can work out from the previous mails, on how to read a bit_offset...Also...I have a series of bits fields that span bytes....is there an example out there where somebody already dissected a stream of bits not bytes..?? For example: How would I dissect an 18 bit field that starts at an offset of 2 bits..?You cannot dissect the bit fields directly... you have to take the largest container of it and the put a mask to obtain the values... As for your example... for 18 bit field, just get the next power of 2 ie, 32 and put the mask, or do an and operation with (11111111111111111100000000000000) 0xFFFFC000, and you will be extract your 18 bits into a local variable... Then by further processing you can get your bit fields dissected completely... Regards Ankith |
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- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Jakub Zawadzki
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Brian Oleksa
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- References:
- [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Brian Oleksa
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Anders Broman
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Brian Oleksa
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Anders Broman
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Ankith Agarwal
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Brian Oleksa
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
- From: Ankith Agarwal
- [Wireshark-dev] dissecting bits versus bytes
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