Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] TCAP subdissector
From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 17:03:04 +0200

> this problem seems to be pretty old and was requested in the past
> already

But was a bug filed? If so, ping that so it pops up on the radar again.

> exist there in the meanwhile a possible way without modifying
> original wireshark sources?

Sure, build on !Windows...

Otherwise you'll have to modify libwireshark.def and recompile.
Call Redmond if you don't like it. ;)


On Thu, 09 Sep 2010 16:45:51 +0200, robie.die.katze@xxxxxx wrote:
> hello experts,
> we made a subdissector for TCAP analyzing a proprietary protocol.
> as integrated subdissector it works (building of the whole wireshark).
> then we tried to make a plugin but this does not work because of
> unresolved references (delete_itu_tcap_subdissector,
> add_itu_tcap_subdissector).
> it seems that these references are not exported for use of a plugin.
> this problem seems to be pretty old and was requested in the past
> already
> (http://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-dev/200706/msg00042.html)
> exist there in the meanwhile a possible way without modifying
> original wireshark sources?
> thx
> kr guenter