Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What to do after changing MAC resolution ? Presumedly redraw
From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 15:53:39 -0700
On Jun 29, 2010, at 3:42 PM, Bill Meier wrote:

> I'm assuming that redissecting the complete capture is not needed
> when the MAC name resolution option is changed.

If you have any COL_DEF_DST, COL_DEF_SRC, COL_DEF_DL_DST, or COL_DEF_DL_SRC columns, presumably changing the MAC name resolution option could (in the case of COL_DEF_{DST,SRC} and packets with no network-layer address) or would (in the case of COL_DEF_DL_{DST,SRC}) change what the columns display, right?

If so, you would have to redissect the complete capture with the old packet list, but it shouldn't be necessary for the new packet list, you'd just need to arrange that all the currently visible packets in the packet list be redisplayed (which should cause *those* packets to be redissected)...

...unless the display is sorted by one of those columns, in which case you would also need to re-sort the display.

> How do I redraw the packet_list pane ?
>   new_packet_list_recreate_visible_rows() for "new_packet_list" ??

I think that'll arrange that all the currently visible packets in the packet list be redisplayed (but I don't know what you need to do to provoke a re-sort).

>   ?? for "old-packet-list" ??

That, as indicated, involves redissecting everything.  I think you'd need redissect_packets() for that.