Hello Beth,
I have used this to display a L2 address of 4 bytes :
subtreeitem:add(tvbuffer(b_offset,4), "L2 address : " .. string.format('%08X',tvbuffer(b_offset,4):uint()) .. "h")
May be you can try to use this 2 times for every set of 4 bytes.
I hope this will help you.
Best Regards Philippe
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:35:47 -0400 From: beth.tridium@xxxxxxxxx To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [Wireshark-dev] How to print longs from Lua?
I'm writing a Lua post-dissector, where I wish to print MAC addresses (64-bit ints) to a Lua text window. I can't seem to get it to work.
The best I can do so far is "tostring(mac_addr)" which prints the decimal equivalent of the lower 32 bits of the address. What I would like is to print all 64 bits in hex. I know that the "l" modifier normally used in printf/scanf etc (e.g. %lx) is not supported in Lua, so how do I print out this value?
If there is no way to print all 64 bits, then is there a way to split the value into upper and lower halves so that I can print each separately?
Thanks very much, Beth
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