Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] RTPS & RTPS2 packet dissectors
From: Fabrizio Bertocci <fabrizio@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 23:46:55 -0800
Thanks Jaap,
Actually somehow I thought the right way to send patch was to send the patch file to the mailing list... oh well...
Will open the bug.

On Mar 3, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Jaap Keuter wrote:

Hi Fabrizio,

The best thing to do is to open an Enhancement bug in bugs.wireshark.org and attach your patch there. That way it won't get lost in the mailinglist and can
discussions be tracked with the relevant code.


Fabrizio Bertocci wrote:
Thanks for your reply.
I would like to submit a patch to the existing RTPS & RTPS2 packet
dissectors available on the development trunk.
See attached patch file.
This patch apply to the latest version that I took just now from the
trunk of the SVN repository.
It contains various fixes and support to the latest features of the RTPS
protocol (version 2.1).
Let me know if there are any problems integrating it.

Fabrizio Bertocci

On 2/27/09 9:59 PM, "Jaap Keuter" <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

   Hi Fabrizio,

   The new dissectors are already in the right place. You'll have to
   that once Wireshark 1.0 went out the door it is considered stable.
   That means no
new or changed features, just bug fixes go in. All new development,
   new features
etc go into the development tree (where rtps[2].c also live), hence will
   automatically be included in the upcoming stable release (1.2) due
   in June this
Have a look at http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/ReleaseNumbers and http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/Roadmap to see what's going on.


   Fabrizio Bertocci wrote:
Does anybody know why the RTPS and RTPS2 packet dissectors
(epan/dissectors/packet-rtps.c, epan/dissectors/packet-rtps2.c and
relative header files) are not part of the official wireshark
I’ve submitted the new packet dissectors long time ago. It got
and checked in the main repository, but they are not part of any
The RTPS packet dissector that shows up in the official
   distribution is
an older version and considered now obsolete.
What is the right procedure to push the new dissectors in the release

Fabrizio Bertocci

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