Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] How does the wireshark identify the corresponding protocol a
From: "Yuming fang" <fangyuming.leo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 23:39:43 +0800
Thank you for your reply.
I read this document. But there is little about the source code of libpcap and wireshark. Where could I find the materials about the source code of wireshark?(there is little material about source code of wireshark on the official Website.)
Best wishes,

2008/12/22 Jaap Keuter jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx

You could start by reading part II of the developer guide
even though that is not complete. It does however touch on the questions you ask.


Yuming fang wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I am adding a new protocol to wireshark. When I add the new protocol,
> there are some basic questions I could not understand as follows.
> (1) When capturing data from netcard, how does the wireshark choose the
> protocol dissector to process the data? For example, if wireshark
> receive the tcp data, how could it know these data is tcp data and thus
> choose tcp protocol dissector to process these data? Could anyone give
> me some explaination on the data flow from the netcard to the display in
> wireshark?
> (2) I want to use wireshark to process the LTE data(Actually mainly
> display the LTE data format in wireshark). Now we have written some
> code. However, we have not the LTE netcard. So I want to  send the LTE
> data through TCP socket(Port is 9999) and thus wireshark could receive
> the LTE data through the TCP(Port:9999). Now I could get these LTE data,
> but how could I let the wireshark display the LET data format like a
> tree? How could I add the LTE code into the TCP(Port:9999) to process
> the LET data?
> I will appreciate it greatly if someone could give me some advice on
> these questions.
> Best wishes,
> Yuming

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