Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] RPM build - configure parameters
From: Jeff Morriss <jeff.morriss.ws@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:13:08 -0400

Kukosa, Tomas wrote:
when I build RPM with following sequence
./configure <parameters>
make rpm-package
it allways calls ./configure script inside rpm packaging with fiexed parameters "--with-ssl=/usr --with-krb5" (see packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in) would it be somehow possible to pass parameters from "./configure <parameters>" called before "make rpm-package" to ./configure called inside rpm packaging?

I think the point of RPM packaging is that everything is self-contained in:

1) the source tarball
2) (and) the RPM spec file

so what you're asking actually goes against how RPM is intended to be used.