local xyz_field ="")
local tap=;
function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb)
local xyz = xyz_field()
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Riccardo Roasio
<riccardo.roasio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the aswer.
> I think i made the wrong question....
> I would like to know how can i access to http message parts whit the
>"") function.
> In particular i'm trying to retrieve the get response body (or data)
> I tryed with") but it gives an error when i
> try to print it.
> Best Regards,
> Riccardo
> Luis EG Ontanon wrote:
>> I'm wrote preety much all of WS Lua's interface, and I am not aware of
>> any such "structure"...
>> There are tap-data structures of lua that are extracted from header
>> files of dissectors using code generated by epan/wslua/
>> which in turn is controlled by epan/wslua/taps .
>> These are *willingly* left un-documented. As my plans are to radically
>> modify this part of the code (but before I need to have a clear Idea
>> of what and how this should be done).
>> The http req/resp data currently passed to Listener calls is a Table
>> that contains the same data as struct http_info_value_t defined in
>> epan/dissectors/packet-http.h .
>> typedef struct _http_info_value_t {
>> guint32 framenum;
>> gchar *request_method;
>> guint response_code;
>> gchar *http_host;
>> gchar *request_uri;
>> } http_info_value_t;
>> Hope this helps...
>> I hope this helps but do not count on it to be there on future versions.
>> \Lego
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Riccardo Roasio
>> <riccardo.roasio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> where can i found informations about the lua http.response and
>>> http.request structure?
>>> Regards,
>>> Riccardo
>>> --
>>> Riccardo Roasio
>>> amuser S.p.A.
>>> advanced multimedia services
>>> 10149 Torino (Italy) - via Val della Torre, 4
>>> Tel +39 011 291 3777
>>> Fax +39 011 291 3737
>>> riccardo.roasio@xxxxxxxxx
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> --
> Riccardo Roasio
> amuser S.p.A.
> advanced multimedia services
> 10149 Torino (Italy) - via Val della Torre, 4
> Tel +39 011 291 3777
> Fax +39 011 291 3737
> riccardo.roasio@xxxxxxxxx
> _______________________________________________
> Wireshark-dev mailing list
> Wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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