Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Another one with dissector questions
From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 22:17:19 +0200
Hi, Yes, I think you're on the right track here.Concerning the conversation search, I think you've a point. When searching for a conversation along the time axis, you shouldn't get the a conversation before the first one is established.
I'm not aware if many dissectors use conversations that way and this is a corner case. That may be why it wasn't spotted before.
A simple fix for your code is to check the returned conversation frame number against the current frames' number and discard it when it's older. Of course that should be done by the search routine, for which a change will be committed later.
Thanx, Jaap Jens Steinhauser wrote:
Ok, I changed my dissector to use a conversation. The dissector creates a new conversation for every configuration frame it finds and uses conversation_add_proto_data() to save the information that is needed to dissect the data frames. When it dissects a data frame, it uses find_conversation() and conversation_get_data() to get the information from the config frame. Is that the proper way? But strange stuff happens when I have data frames before the first configuration frame: README.developer says (line 2741): "The conversation returned is where (frame_num >= conversation->setup_frame && frame_num < conversation->next->setup_frame)" and (line 2723): "If no conversation is found, the routine will return a NULL value." It is my understanding that find_conversation() should return NULL for the data frames before the configuration frames. find_conversation() calls conversation_lookup_hashtable() to search for the conversation (conversation.c, line 632): match = g_hash_table_lookup(hashtable, &key);if (match) {for (conversation = match->next; conversation; conversation = conversation->next) { if ((conversation->setup_frame <= frame_num) && (conversation->setup_frame > match->setup_frame)) match = conversation; } }return match;The code doesn't work when frame_num is smaller than setup_frame of all conversation in the linked list. The "for (...; conversation; ...)" doesn't execute the body of the loop because conversation is null and returns a conversation with setup_frame bigger than frame_num passed to find_conversation(). I think that's a bug. Thanks, Jens On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 15:58 +0200, Jaap Keuter wrote:Hi, 1) You better use a conversation. Read README.developer on what conversations are and how they are designed for specifically this purpose. Using globals is never a good way to do this, especially when we intend to multithread/work with multiple files. 2) ett's are datastructures for subtrees. They hold the expanded/collapsed state for instance. You can reuse them, but then all these subtrees will have the same expanded/collapsed state. 3) Remove all display filters and *disable packet coloring* (which is also display filter based) to get tree==NULL. Thanx, JaapHi, I'm working on a dissector for about a month and some questions came up when doing more than just basic dissection of the packets: 1) The protocol consists mainly of two different types of packets: configuration frames and data frames. Configuration frames are send at the beginning of a transmission or when the configuration of the sending device changes and describe the content and format of data frames. Without the knowledge out of the configuration frames, the data frames can't be dissected. So I created a struct, called config_frame to save the information of the configuration frames and put these config_frames into a global GArray. This global array is (re)initialized in my dissectors init function and pinfo->fd->num (also saved in config_frame) is used to ensure that every configuration frame just adds one config_frame struct to the array. When the dissector comes to a data frame, he searches through that global array for a matching config_frame and uses it to dissect the data frame. Is that the right way to do that? 2) What are the ett_... values for? Section 1.6.2 of README.developer explains how to initialize and use them, but I didn't get what they are good for. Is it save to pass the same ett_ variable multiple times? (The data in the data frames is nested and I do that, didn't have a problem so far) 3) To understand the sequence in that the "proto_register_...", the "proto_reg_handoff_...", the init and the dissect functions are called, I put the following at the beginning of the dissect function: printf("dissect(): %s\n", (!tree ? "*tree null" : "*tree valid")); and always get "*tree valid". Do i need a special configure switch to enable the "Operational dissection" (enable something like a release build)? Thanks, Jens
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- From: Jens Steinhauser
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- Re: [Wireshark-dev] Another one with dissector questions
- From: Jaap Keuter
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] Another one with dissector questions
- From: Jens Steinhauser
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