I doubt you make a dissector remove only 2 bits from a buffer, but you
might be able to use a combination of bitfields and bitmasks to either
read only the first two bits or ignore them.
PS: Do I understand correctly that you have a dissector which only
dissects two bits? Sounds strange, though I am sure I misunderstood
On 16-Aug-2007 18:47:37 ZE5B, vaibhav.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxx
<vaibhav.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I have frame like for eg:-
> 45 60 76 87 23 97 00
> Now in this frame starting 2 bit is header of one dissector now I want to
> pass that frame to other dissector after removing the haeder.
> If i change the tvb then header remove in form of bytes not in bits.
> Please tell How to pass the frame to other dissector after removing the 2
> bits from the frame or how to set the tvb then next dissector only read the
> frame after 2 bits.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vaibhav
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