Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] unistd.h
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 15:33:59 -0400
Thanks for the reminder. I forgot to do a clean first.
> From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 2007/07/18 Wed PM 01:41:33 EDT
> To: Developer support list for Wireshark <wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] unistd.h
> champhastings@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I am getting compile errors when trying to compile the 99.6 source.
> > Initially says the file can't be found.
> You're building on Windows, right?
> If so, there's not supposed to be a unistd.h file (except in Cygwin, but 
> I don't know whether we support building Wireshark in Cygwin - it 
> expects UN*X or Windows, not something running on Windows trying its 
> best to look like UN*X).  The "uni" in "unistd.h" comes from "UNIX".
> If you're compiling on Windows, you're presumably doing development 
> (users not doing development should just download an installer .exe and 
> run that).  As such, see the Developer's Guide:
> 	http://www.wireshark.org/docs/
> In particular, see
> 	http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChSetupWin32.html#id4733893
> "2.2.9. Distclean Sources
> The released Wireshark sources contain files that are prepared for a 
> UNIX build (e.g. config.h).
> You must distclean your sources before building the first time!
> If you've closed cmd.exe in the meantime, prepare cmd.exe again
> nmake -f Makefile.nmake distclean to cleanup the Wireshark sources"
> Some of the files prepared for a UN*X build in the source tarball are 
> the output of Flex (they're included so that you don't have to have Flex 
> to build on UN*X - one way we distribute Wireshark for UN*X is in a 
> source tarball, for platforms where we don't have installable binaries, 
> so the user can at least build the binaries for their platform).  Flex, 
> on UN*X, generates code to build on UN*X, and that code includes 
> "unistd.h".  You will have to rebuild that file with Flex on Windows to 
> get a version that will compile on Windows.
> If you're not building on Windows, you're presumably building on some 
> amazingly ancient UN*X (which we don't support), or you're building on a 
> UN*X system that doesn't have all the headers installed.
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