Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] what parameters for dissector_add() for a non-nested protoco
fulko.hew@xxxxxxxxx wrote on 07/18/2007 11:29:00 AM:
> Well thats what (I think) I'm now doing, and yet, the value
> isn't registered, because the 'default' dissector gets called,
> not my ipars dissector.
> Obviously I'm not getting something right.
... snip ...
I'm following up on my own post... again...
I figured out what was wrong, and have ammended the code snippets
below (for posterity sake... for all others that may follow.)
--------- packet-sita.c ----------
disect_sita() {
if (!dissector_try_port(sita_dissector_table,
pinfo->pseudo_header->sita.proto, tvb, pinfo, tree)) {
call_dissector(data_handle, tvb, pinfo, tree); /* default decoder */
proto_register_sita() {
proto_sita = proto_register_protocol("SITA", "sita", "sita");
sita_dissector_table = register_disector_table("sita.proto",
"ACN protocol number", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX);
register_dissector("sita", dissect_sita, proto_sita);
proto_reg_handoff_sita() {
sita_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_sita, proto_sita);
dissector_add("wtap_encap", WTAP_ENCAP_SITA, sita_handle);
--------- packet_ipars.c ---------
proto_register_handoff_ipars() {
register_dissector("ipars", dissect_ipars, proto_ipars);
proto_reg_handoff_ipars() {
ipars_handle = find_dissector("ipars");
dissector_add("sita.proto", ACN_PROTO_IPARS, ipars_handle);
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