That expression will match any frame that has at least one avp with
code value 829 and at least one avp whose data is uint32 whose value
is 1.
I suspect that what you want is to match the *same* AVP with both
parts of the expression, which I don't think is possible with a simple
display filter.
On 7/10/07, cco <cristian.constantin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
has anyone tested a filter like this:
(diameter.avp.code == 829) && ( == 1)
is it suppossed to work? is it actually working in your config/ver?
in my version, it does not in the sense that it will always show all the
diameter commands having an avp with the code 829 but _not_ the ones
in which this avp has the value 1.
I am using Version 0.99.4 / linux
bye now!
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