Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Error: wireshark.exe is not a valied Win32 application
From: Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 14:18:03 +0100
Alex Lindberg wrote:
> I am using MS C++ 2005 Express Edition with the platform SDK (Version
> 3790.2075).
> All compiles and packages fine with no errors.
> After packaging and installing on a W2k machine, it responds as above.
> I am using the the updated C++ 2005 vcredist.  Using the newest fixw the
> same prolblem on a WXP system.
> What is going on?  I have tried the solution of creating a directory
> Microsoft.VC80.CRT as suggested in another email, but that was not
> successfull.
> There is on the W2K system the winsxs directory with all of the necessary
> subdirectories with DLLs in them.
> Any suggestions would be great.

Try grabbing Dependency Walker from http://www.dependencywalker.com/.  Run it
on your .exe to see what it's complaining about.  Make sure you run it on the
target systems that are complaining.


Graham Bloice