> Hi list,
> I finally had a chance to look at the new feature from revision 21066:
> http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.py?view=rev&revision=21066
> and see what it looks like if I put, say, all the SS7 dissectors'
> preferences in one preference tree called "SS7". The result was a
> little startling: I was able to put *21* dissectors' preferences in that
> category:
> INAP, ISUP, isup_thin, IUA, M2PA, M2UA, M3UA, MTP2, MTP3, SCCP, SUA,
> It looks good to me because I tend to think hierarchically and because I
> don't like how long the current list of dissectors with preferences is
> (too much scrolling before I find the one I want).
> What does anyone else (especially signaling users) think? Any objections?
There are both reasons for and against it.
I'll agree that the current list is pretty long and I tend to like it to be hierarchical as well.
The drawback is: You'll have to know to search for protocol xy under SS7 (BTW: is this basically the same as http://wiki.wireshark.org/SIGTRAN ?). This might be obvious for frequent protocol user, but makes it probably more complicated for newbies (like me :-).
So if we want to group protocols, we should group (at least) most protocols, to have the protocol list length dastically reduced.
Maybe the current Protocol Family overview http://wiki.wireshark.org/ProtocolReference could work as a guideline to sort protocols into such groups.
Regards, ULFL
P.S: Some time ago, I've tried grouping some of the protocols in the menu structure, and immediately got objections from other developers against "my grouping" thoughts - so this discussion might become very controverse ;-)
P.P.S: Will the packet tree context "Protocol Preferences ..." still work with this? This feature is pretty useful!
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