Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] roofnet v1
From: Sebastien Tandel <sebastien@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 23:16:35 +0100

I will try to do it this WE.


Sebastien Tandel

Nicola Arnoldi wrote:
> Hi all.
> I noticed that the version 1 of the roofnet header has got additional
> fields, as one might understand from the srpacket.hh file i posted
> some email ago.
> In particular, there are 6 and a half more lines in the header than in
> version 2.
> Can you modify the dissector in order to make it able to decode both
> v1 and v2 packets?
> Thanks
> Nicola
> Il giorno 10/gen/07, alle ore 16:48, Nicola Arnoldi ha scritto:
>> Was the pcap file enough?
>> Bye
>> Nicola
>> Il giorno mar, 09/01/2007 alle 12.34 +0100, Sebastien Tandel ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>>    Can you send a pcap file for testing purpose, please?
>>> Regards,
>>> Sebastien Tandel
>>> Nicola Arnoldi wrote:
>>>> Hi everybody.
>>>> The great work Sebastien did about Roofnet dissectors was related to
>>>> Version 2, which is still far from stable.
>>>> It should be implemented the V 1 as well, which has some differences
>>>> between V2.
>>>> I attach the c++ header, hoping it would be sufficient for you to
>>>> modify
>>>> the dissector accordingly.
>>>> Note that ETHTYPES, which in V2 all started with a 6 (6xx) now start
>>>> with number 9. (9xx)
>>>> The message I receive when I try to decode V1 datagrams with the old
>>>> dissector is something like.
>>>> Bogus IP header, more payload than told by roofnet...and others.
>>>> Bye.
>>>> Nicola
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> #ifndef CLICK_SRPAKCET_HH
>>>> #define CLICK_SRPAKCET_HH
>>>> #include <click/ipaddress.hh>
>>>> #include <elements/wifi/path.hh>
>>>> #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
>>>> #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
>>>> enum SRCRPacketType { PT_QUERY = 0x01,
>>>>               PT_REPLY = 0x02,
>>>>                       PT_TOP5_RESULT = 0x03,
>>>>               PT_DATA  = 0x04,
>>>>                       PT_GATEWAY = 0x08
>>>> };
>>>> enum SRCRPacketFlags {
>>>>   FLAG_ERROR = (1<<0),
>>>>   FLAG_UPDATE = (1<<1),
>>>>   FLAG_TOP5_REQUEST_RESULT = (1<<2),
>>>>   FLAG_TOP5_BEST_ROUTE = (1<<3),
>>>>   FLAG_SCHEDULE = (1<<4),
>>>>   FLAG_SCHEDULE_TOKEN = (1<<5),
>>>>   FLAG_SCHEDULE_FAKE = (1<<6),
>>>>   FLAG_ECN = (1<<7)
>>>> };
>>>> static const uint8_t _sr_version = 0x0b;
>>>> // Packet format.
>>>> struct srpacket {,
>>>>   uint8_t _version; /* see _srcr_version */
>>>>   uint8_t _type;  /* see enum SRCRPacketType */
>>>>   uint8_t _nlinks;
>>>>   uint8_t _next;   // Index of next node who should process this
>>>> packet.
>>>>   uint16_t _ttl;
>>>>   uint16_t _cksum;
>>>>   uint16_t _flags;
>>>>   uint16_t _dlen;
>>>>   /* PT_QUERY
>>>>    * _qdst is used for the query destination in control packets
>>>>    * and a extra 32 bit seq number in data packets
>>>>    */
>>>>   uint32_t _qdst;
>>>>   uint32_t _seq;   // seq number
>>>>   uint32_t _seq2;  // another seq number
>>>>   /* uin32_t ip[_nlinks] */
>>>>   /* uin32_t metrics[_nlinks] */
>>>>   /* ip */
>>>>   /* fwd */
>>>>   /* rev */
>>>>   /* seq */
>>>>   /* ip */
>>>>   uint32_t _random_from;
>>>>   uint32_t _random_fwd_metric;
>>>>   uint32_t _random_rev_metric;
>>>>   uint32_t _random_seq;
>>>>   uint16_t _random_age;
>>>>   uint32_t _random_to;
>>>>   void set_random_from(IPAddress ip) {
>>>>     _random_from = ip;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_random_to(IPAddress ip) {
>>>>     _random_to = ip;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_random_fwd_metric(uint32_t m) {
>>>>     _random_fwd_metric = m;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_random_rev_metric(uint32_t m) {
>>>>     _random_rev_metric = m;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_random_seq(uint32_t s) {
>>>>     _random_seq = s;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_random_age(uint32_t s) {
>>>>     _random_age = s;
>>>>   }
>>>>   IPAddress get_random_from() {
>>>>     return _random_from;
>>>>   }
>>>>   IPAddress get_random_to() {
>>>>     return _random_to;
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_random_fwd_metric() {
>>>>     return _random_fwd_metric;
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_random_rev_metric() {
>>>>     return _random_rev_metric;
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_random_seq() {
>>>>     return _random_seq;
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_random_age() {
>>>>     return _random_age;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_link(int link,
>>>>         IPAddress a, IPAddress b,
>>>>         uint32_t fwd, uint32_t rev,
>>>>         uint32_t seq,
>>>>         uint32_t age) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     ndx[0] = a;
>>>>     ndx[1] = fwd;
>>>>     ndx[2] = rev;
>>>>     ndx[3] = seq;
>>>>     ndx[4] = age;
>>>>     ndx[5] = b;
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_link_fwd(int link) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     return ndx[1];
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_link_rev(int link) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     return ndx[2];
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_link_seq(int link) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     return ndx[3];
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t get_link_age(int link) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     return ndx[4];
>>>>   }
>>>>   IPAddress get_link_node(int link) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     return ndx[0];
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_link_node(int link, IPAddress ip) {
>>>>     uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
>>>>     ndx += link * 5;
>>>>     ndx[0] = ip;
>>>>   }
>>>>   // How long should the packet be?
>>>>   size_t hlen_wo_data() const { return len_wo_data(_nlinks); }
>>>>   size_t hlen_with_data() const { return len_with_data(_nlinks,
>>>> ntohs(_dlen)); }
>>>>   static size_t len_wo_data(int nlinks) {
>>>>     return sizeof(struct srpacket) +
>>>>       sizeof(uint32_t) +
>>>>       (nlinks) * sizeof(uint32_t) * 5;
>>>>   }
>>>>   static size_t len_with_data(int nlinks, int dlen) {
>>>>     return len_wo_data(nlinks) + dlen;
>>>>   }
>>>>   int num_links() {
>>>>     return _nlinks;
>>>>   }
>>>>   int next() {
>>>>     return _next;
>>>>   }
>>>>   Path get_path() {
>>>>     Path p;
>>>>     for (int x = 0; x <= num_links(); x++) {
>>>>       p.push_back(get_link_node(x));
>>>>     }
>>>>     return p;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_data_seq(uint32_t n) {
>>>>     _qdst = htonl(n);
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t data_seq() {
>>>>     return ntohl(_qdst);
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_seq(uint32_t n) {
>>>>     _seq = htonl(n);
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t seq() {
>>>>     return ntohl(_seq);
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_seq2(uint32_t n) {
>>>>     _seq2 = htonl(n);
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint32_t seq2() {
>>>>     return ntohl(_seq2);
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_next(uint8_t n) {
>>>>     _next = n;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_num_links(uint8_t n) {
>>>>     _nlinks = n;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_data_len(uint16_t len) {
>>>>     _dlen = htons(len);
>>>>   }
>>>>   uint16_t data_len() {
>>>>     return ntohs(_dlen);
>>>>   }
>>>>   void set_flag(uint16_t f) {
>>>>     uint16_t flags = ntohs(_flags);
>>>>     _flags = htons(flags | f);
>>>>   }
>>>>   bool flag(int f) {
>>>>     int x = ntohs(_flags);
>>>>     return x & f;
>>>>   }
>>>>   void unset_flag(uint16_t f) {
>>>>     uint16_t flags = ntohs(_flags);
>>>>     _flags = htons(flags & !f);
>>>>   }
>>>>   /* remember that if you call this you must have set the number of
>>>> links in this packet! */
>>>>   u_char *data() { return (((u_char *)this) +
>>>> len_wo_data(num_links())); }
>>>>   void set_checksum() {
>>>>     unsigned int tlen = 0;
>>>>     if (_type & PT_DATA) {
>>>>       tlen = hlen_with_data();
>>>>     } else {
>>>>       tlen = hlen_wo_data();
>>>>     }
>>>>     _cksum = 0;
>>>>     _cksum = click_in_cksum((unsigned char *) this, tlen);
>>>>   }
>>>> });
>>>> #ifndef sr_assert
>>>> #define sr_assert(e) ((e) ? (void) 0 : sr_assert_(__FILE__,
>>>> __LINE__, #e))
>>>> #endif /* sr_assert */
>>>> inline void
>>>> sr_assert_(const char *file, int line, const char *expr)
>>>> {
>>>>   click_chatter("assertion \"%s\" FAILED: file %s, line %d",
>>>>         expr, file, line);
>>>>   abort();
>>>> #endif
>>>> }
>>>> #endif /* CLICK_SRPACKET_HH */
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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