Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Retrieving the SVN repository version
From: Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:22:34 +0000
Ulf Lamping wrote:
> Joerg Mayer wrote:
>> Moin List,
>> I just wanted to fix
>> http://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=429
>> Instead of reverse engineering the .svn/entries format for svn 1.4 I
>> decided to ask the developers of svn about it, and they strongly
>> discouraged such a practice. They asked whether it was unacceptable to
>> require developers working with svn anyway to install svnversion (which
>> has some nice side effects, just run with --help). Considering the
>> amount of work that has to go into this (and it may happen again and
>> again) I'd like to think that it is indeed ok to require svnversion in
>> $PATH, but then, I'm on a platform where svnversion is installed anyway.
>> Btw, svnversion doesn't change its output depending on language
>> settings.
>>  Ciao
>>       Joerg
> And now it get's ugly ;-)
> If I try to use svnversion (in the WS sources dir) under cygwin I get:
> svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a 
> newer Subversion client
> This is due to the fact that I'm using TortoiseSVN (SVN 1.4.x) on my 
> everyday work but the cygwin version in the PATH is still "svnversion, 
> version 1.3.2 (r19776) compiled Jul 14 2006, 22:16:08."
> Although I agree that svnversion is the way to go in principle, it will 
> produce new problems on the Win32 platform :-(
> Any ideas welcome ...

There is a known issue where if an svn working copy is touched by an svn
client of version 1.4.0 or later, the format of the wc is upgraded and
can not be handled by a downlevel client.  As the cygwin version of svn
1.4.0 isn't out yet then you have to be careful about your wc and other
clients e.g. TortoiseSVN.

Note that there can also be other conflicts (pun intended) when using
cygwin and windows native svn clients due to line endings.  IMHO it's
best not to mix and match on the same wc.

AFAIK there is no specific svn client recommendation for Win32 Wireshark
 work, then maybe it should be set to the svn command line tools, which
would ensure svnversion is available.  If developers then want to use
additional tools so be it.


Graham Bloice