Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] TCP Dissect PDU's
From: "Steve Grinwis" <sgrinwis@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:19:23 -0400

Hey all,


Exciting stuff happening with Wireshark!  I’m loving it, keep up the good work developers!


In other news,


I might have found a bug, or I might have found an Id10t bug.


First of all I am using the TCP_dissect_pdu’s function, and it works great if there are multiple TCP packets in the same pdu.  However if it goes the other way, and there are multiple PDU’s in the same tcp packet, the dissect_pdu’s will pull the length out of the first pdu, and then attempt to reapply that length over and over again in the same TCP packet.  Hilarity (a.k.a chaos) ensues.  Am I using the function incorrectly?  Or… are there deeper issues at stake here….?


Thanks a bunch!


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