User: guy
Date: 2013/07/29 01:39 AM
Copy over r51008 from trunk with manual intervention:
r51008 | guy | 2013-07-29 01:37:18 -0700 (Mon, 29 Jul 2013) | 10 lines
In the comments for pcap_link_type, point to for the details, rather than to
some particular OS's net/bpf.h (assuming it even has one), and speak of
it as a LINKTYPE_ value rather than a DLT_ value (in those cases where
the LINKTYPE_ value for a given link-layer header type is different from
the DLT_ value, it's the LINKTYPE_ value that should be passed to
text2pcap, as it's what gets written to the file, and those should be
the always-platform-independent LINKTYPE_ values rather than the
possibly-platform-dependent DLT_ values).
Directory: /trunk-1.8/
Changes Path Action
+2 -2 text2pcap.c Modified