Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 48519: /trunk/epan/wmem/ /trunk/epan/wmem/: wmem_allocat
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 00:45:33 GMT

User: eapache
Date: 2013/03/23 05:45 PM

 Initial simple block allocator tests, not being run by default because they're
 failing. I suspect it has to do with my lack of understanding of glib's unit
 test framework, not the code being tested.

Directory: /trunk/epan/wmem/
  Changes    Path                      Action
  +31 -23    wmem_allocator_block.c    Modified
  +4 -0      wmem_allocator_block.h    Modified
  +58 -2     wmem_test.c               Modified