Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 18799: /trunk/debian/ /trunk/debian/: README.debian chan
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 17:15:36 GMT

User: jmayer
Date: 2006/07/27 05:15 PM

 Frederic Peters <fpeters@xxxxxxxxxx>:
 	Update to match the current debian package

Directory: /trunk/debian/
  Changes    Path                          Action
  +2 -2      README.debian                 Modified
  +166 -4    changelog                     Modified
  +30 -23    control                       Modified
  +421 -7    copyright                     Modified
  +14 -11    rules                         Modified
  +2 -0      tshark.files                  Modified
  +1 -0      tshark.manpages               Modified
  +11 -0     wireshark-common.files        Modified
  +5 -0      wireshark-common.manpages     Modified
  +5 -0      wireshark-dev.docs            Modified
  +10 -0     wireshark-dev.files           Modified

(16 files not shown)