Wireshark-bugs: [Wireshark-bugs] [Bug 13183] Qt: drag & drop of one column header in PacketList
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 08:35:25 +0000

changed bug 13183

What Removed Added
CC   jyoung@gsu.edu
Summary On macOS, drag & drop of Length column moves both Protocol & Length cols Qt: drag & drop of one column header in PacketList moves other columns
Ever confirmed   1
OS macOS 10.12 All

Comment # 2 on bug 13183 from
PacketList columns can be reordered using drag-and-drop using two different

1 - drag-and-drop a column header directly on the PacketList

2 - drag-and-drop a column entry in the "Column Preferences" dialog. 

This bug concern the first method.  Dragging a column header left or right will
sometimes result in other columns to unexpectedly move.

This PacketList column header drag and drop issue can be easily replicated
using latest master on Linux, Windows and macOS/OS X.

Start with a default gui.column.format preference entry:

> # Packet list column format
> # Each pair of strings consists of a column title and its format
> #gui.column.format: 
> #	"No.", "%m",
> #	"Time", "%t",
> #	"Source", "%s",
> #	"Destination", "%d",
> #	"Protocol", "%p",
> #	"Length", "%L",
> #	"Info", "%i"

After following Thomas's example of simply dragging the "Length" column (which
is initially the 6th column) to the left and dropping it on top of the "Time"
column, the display will be updated to show the "Protocol" column as the 3rd
column and the "Length" column to be the 4th column.

After the drag-and-drop event the "gui.column.format" entry within the current
profile's preferences file will be immediately updated but will only show that
the "Length" column was moved:

> # Packet list column format
> # Each pair of strings consists of a column title and its format
> gui.column.format: 
> 	"No.", "%m",
> 	"Time", "%t",
> 	"Length", "%L",
> 	"Source", "%s",
> 	"Destination", "%d",
> 	"Protocol", "%p",
> 	"Info", "%i"

The state of this updated "gui.column.format;" preference is reflected by the
order of the columns shown in the PacketList header's right-mouse click context
menu and also from within the "Column Preferences" dialog.  But the
PacketList's actual column order is different.

At this point if Wireshark is simply shutdown and restarted and a the trace
reopened, the PacketList columns will display in the desired configured order,
in this case with "Length" as the 3rd column and "Protocol" as the 6th column.

One can sometimes get the intended PacketList column order using several
PacketList drag-and-drops but when Wireshark is shutdown and restarted the
column order might NOT be what was last seen.

Workaound:  Use the drag-and-drop feature from within the "Column Preferences"
dialog to change the PacketList column order.

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