Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] tethereal uses too much memory to filter packets from file
On 3/14/06, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > It's mine too... But that's a big job.
> >
> > Actually, not really: just add an optoin to specify the path to the
> > config directory and create a preferece file that doesn't do any
> > stateful things. After that just start tethereal with the path to the
> > new config-directory.
> >
> You're assume that all memory consuming things can be disabled by Preference settings.
Not all, but a good part can.
> Although I cannot give a specific example, I would guess there are a lot of places in the dissectors where this is simply not the case. Not to mention the real memory leaks that certainly still exists. Thankfully Ronnie recently eliminated a lot of them by using the emem functions.
SCCP associations, they use memory and cannot be disabled... (This one
I have fresh in mind ).
> However, having a mechanism (however it may be implemented) to switch off the known memory consumers (e.g. TCP reassembling) makes it much more likely that the other places still leaking memory are actually found and fixed :-)
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