I am capturing with Ethereal (0.10.13) on
a virtual Windows 2000 server, which is running atop VMWare, and Ethereal is experiencing
packet drops. This is based on seeing “Drops: 522” at the bottom
of capture screen, and from numerous “Previous Segment Lost”
warnings within the packet list.
After reading the Ethereal Performance
Wiki, I will try increasing the buffer size (it’s only 1MB now), and I’m
hoping this will improve things. But my question involves recognizing
packet drops in a capture file.
I almost always capture to files, and then
analyze the files later. Had I not seen the “Drops: 522”
at the bottom of the screen, I would not have realized packets were getting
dropped. Is there any way, when looking at a capture file created by
Ethereal, to know if packets were dropped? From the “Drops: 522”
message, it seems that Ethereal recognizes drops when they occur. Does Ethereal
indicate drops in the capture file??? (I looked, but I did not find such
an indication.)
Thx much,
Michael Feeny
TDDS Application Integration Management
609-274-2761 (Office)
484-995-1745 (Mobile)
1-888-MERRIL0 (Page)
feenyman99 (AIM)