Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Re: Question about packet-http.c in Ethereal 0.10.9

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 01:06:18 -0800
kauai wrote:

Just reading through some of the open source code of
Ethereal 0.10.9 and saw your name in several places,
specifically in packet-http.c under dissectors.
That doesn't mean I'm the sole maintainer of packet-http.c; questions about Ethereal should generally be asked on one of the Ethereal lists.
In particular...

I am curious to know if its possible or are their plans to have HTTP reconstruction done within
...I didn't write the reassembly code in the current HTTP dissector.

Basically HTML, JPG/GIF, JS, etc. file recreation,
just like a browser does when you select "Save As" for
offline reading.

Is that possible with the current version?

1) you captured without a "snapshot length", so all the data in each packet was saved;
   2) there aren't any missing TCP segments from the data;

   3) there aren't any out-of-order TCP segments in the data;

   4) the file was transmitted with a Content-Length header;

then, if you've turned on the "Reassemble HTTP headers spanning multiple TCP segments" and "Reassemble HTTP bodies spanning multiple TCP segments" preferences - and you probably want to turn on "Reassemble chunked transfer-coded bodies" and possibly "Uncompress entity bodies" - you can select the last packet of the HTTP transfer and it should have the entire transferred entity reassembled. There will probably be a protocol tree item after the "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" item, containing the entity body; select that protocol tree item, and then select the File -> Export -> Selected Packet Bytes menu item, which should let you save the selected bytes - i.e., the entire entity body - to a file.
Thanks for any help,

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