Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Configuring Capture for EBCDIC?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:28:37 -0800
Kurt Schroeder wrote:

I wish to trace a large nightly run of EBCDIC data. However, when I take
capture data, it is formatted as ASCII, and I have to go to Analyze-Follow
TCP Stream, and clicking on EBCDIC seems to take forever, and often hangs
my PC on files that are less than 2 MB.

"Hangs" in what sense?  The entire machine hangs, or Ethereal hangs?

My nightly run could be up to 500MB
of trace data. Is there a way to automatically save the data as EBCDIC
instead of ASCII?

Save what data?

Capture files (the files saved if you run Tethereal with the "-w" flag, or if you use File->Save As in Ethereal) are neither ASCII nor EBCDIC, they're raw binary data.

If you capture with Tethereal without "-w" but with "-x", or read an existing capture file with Tethereal and with "-x", the raw packet data is shown in hex and ASCII; similarly, the packet data pane in Ethereal shows the raw packet data in hex and ASCII for most protocols (as, for the majority of packets, if the data is text at all, it's in some ASCII-derived encoding), but for SNA it's displayed in EBCDIC.