Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Questions about Ethereal 0.9.15

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:16:35 -0700
On Oct 8, 2003, at 12:06 PM, ms 1530 wrote:

In the new Ethereal 0.9.15 release, it seems support New protocols GPRS BSSGP, GPRS NS. But I just wonder how I can capture these message,
GPRS NS runs atop Frame Relay, so you'd have to capture Frame Relay 
traffic - whether it's raw Frame Relay, or Frame Relay tunneled over, 
for example, GRE.
You'd also have to set the encapsulation preference for the Frame Relay 
dissector in order to have it dissect the Frame Relay traffic in 
question as GPRS NS traffic.  Select "Preferences" from the "Edit" 
menu, open up the "Protocols" list, select "FR", and choose "GPRS 
Network Service" as the encapsulation.  Then click "OK" if you want it 
to apply to captures in the current Ethereal session, or "Save" and 
then "OK" if you want to make that your default setting for all 
 which kind of device ethereal supports?
The set of devices on which Ethereal can capture depends mainly on the 
OS on which you're running, and the version of libpcap/WinPcap on that 
OS.  See

That list doesn't include raw Frame Relay, however; we should probably update that. I suspect the answers are "No" for most platforms, and "Unknown" for {Free,Net,Open}BSD, as there's code in the most recent release of libpcap to support it, but I don't know whether anybody's ever tested it. The current CVS version of libpcap should also support Frame Relay on Linux, as somebody recently contributed a patch to support it.
Note, however, that this captures traffic going to or from the machine 
running Ethereal; libpcap doesn't support any devices that support 
passive capture on Frame Relay (although the current CVS version of 
libpcap does work with the Endace DAG hardware:

for passive capture, but they don't support Frame Relay, just ATM and Ethernet).