Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] [ANN] Packetyzer 0.5.10 Released

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Chris Waters <chris.waters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:09:10 -0700

A new version of Packetyzer has been uploaded to
Packetyzer is a native Windows GUI for Ethereal.

Changes since the last announcement:

+ 0.5.10 - 10/17/02
 * Added expand and collapse options to packet decode tree view.
 * Memory usage display and capture termination is now based on
   the number of bytes filtered, rather than the total number of
   bytes received.
 * Fix memory leaks so that in stumbling mode captures can be run
 * Added deduction of SSID for 802.11 APs which do not broadcast SSID in
   beacon packets.
 * Added copy options to tree and hex panels of the packet view.
 * Added hex dump to packet copy.
 * Improved automatic tree expansion logic to allow more intuitive
   of packets.
 * Included Ethernet manufacturers file in distribution so that MAC name
   resolution works.
 * Add capture duration and utilization statistics.

+ 0.5.9 - 10/12/02
 * Protocol and connection panels now show nice bar graphs.
 * It is now possible to right click on the connection and protocol
   panels to choose to display packets for a protocol or connection.
 * Add a number of new filters.
 * Improved 802.11 analysis including detection of both APs and clients.
 * Moved 802.11 analysis to the session window.
 * Added statistics panel and statistics infrastructure. Additional
   statistics will be added on demand.
 * Added stumbling options to 802.11 analysis.

+ 0.5.8 - 9/25/02
 * Added support for WSP100 802.11b Remote Sensor.

+ 0.5.7 - 8/25/02
 * Fixed packet selection technique so that it will work on Windows
 * Added packet copy command to Edit menu.
 * Fixed memory of which protocols are open in tree view.
 * Statistics in session window are now correctly reset when packets
   are deleted.

