On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 02:25:47PM +0200, Althoff, Marc Peter wrote:
> for a detailed analysis of a performance-enhancement-proxy for a
> wireless environment (GPRS), I would like to save the
> different HTTP-Objects transmitted in a http-session to disk. This would
> include the HTML-code, the images and possibly
> other elements. With the Follow-TCP-Stream-Feature, I can see the
> stream, but have to disassemble it into the different
> objects manually. Is there any possibility to do it automatically with a
> Plug-In or is is there a feature I have overlooked ?
The only forms of plugins we currently support (unless Ronnie's tap
stuff can be dynamically loaded) are plugin protocol dissectors; given
how often people think plugins are magical items like GIMP plugins that
can do just about everything except to cook your breakfast, perhaps we
should come up with a different term.
There is no "save the higher-level protocol objects" mechanism in
Ethereal - and that's sufficiently protocol-specific that I'm not sure
there'll ever be a generic mechanism for it; it'd probably have to be
specific to the RT*P/HTTP/whatever dissectors.
Note also that the HTTP dissector currently doesn't know about
individual HTTP objects in any case.