I run
Ethereal 0.9.3 with WinPcap 2.2 on W2K without too much trouble. The crash in
gdk_gc_copy is a function call associated with the GDK library used for graphic
user interface part of the application. It is possible that GDK library is
having problems calling the W2K GUI libraries. You may want to try one of the
1. Try
changing resolution or number of colours in Windows (I think GTK/GDK needs at
least 256 though)
2. Try
getting an updated graphics driver for you video card
could also be that the problem has nothing to with the GUI. Someone from the
Windows porting team may be able to ask the right questions so that you can
provide more detailed info
Visser Network
Consultant - Global Services COMPAQ, part of the new HP
Richardson Place North Ryde, Sydney NSW
2113, Australia Phone (: +61-2-9022-1670 Mobile È: +61-411-254-513 Fax
7: +61-2-9022-1800 E-mail + :
Hello everyone!
After downloading ethereal 0.9.5 -setup and
WinPcap 2.3, I installed both (my system is win2k). When I try to run
ethereal, I get the following error:
The application, ethereal.exe, generated an application error The error
occurred on 08/01/2002 @ 11:34:32.934 The exception generated was c0000094 at
address 0081B7A0 (gdk_gc_copy)
Any idea of what is happening? I need to get ethereal up
and running URGENTLY! Please help!
I thank you in advance.
Cristina Falcao