Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Ethereal with winpcap on Win98...
I'm currently not subscribed to this list so I will not get anything from
this mailing list, so please email to me directly to my address if you have
any replies for this.
I recently downloaded Ethereal and Winpcap and installed it on my PC.
Everything ran fine and I was able to capture and view packets, etc. But I
came across a big problem. Whenever I downloaded WinPCap, it gave me a BSOD
and crashed my PC. I am using Panda Antivirus at the time and so I disabled
it and installed the Sw. No problem. And after that I uninstalled Ethereal
and WinPCap was when I hit a major problem. My antivirus SW has been
compromised. It started crashing when doing scanning of its own libraries.
I have an application that is running using Java which has been corrupted,
and I think this may be a result of something in the registry, but I am not
sure. This may be a result of either of the apps (Ethereal or WinpCap.). I
did not have any problems before installing the software.
I have deleted all references of both softwares that I could find in the
registry, but to no avail. I reinstalled Panda Antivirus but the problem
still remains.
I have a feeling that I will have to do a total reinstall of my OS and my
apps. Can anybody help me overcome this without having to do a reinstall ?