On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 07:42, Richard Urwin wrote:
> As I understand it, it isn't so much DNS as windows. DNS is a request to a
> known good address, and it is fairly quick. But if the DNS request fails
> then windows sends a NETBIOS enquiry to the address in question asking the
> name of the machine. If the machine is not running windows, or is no longer
> accessible, this request will time-out, but it takes several seconds to do
> so.
Well, my reason was that I had the same problem on a Linux box that had a PII processor
that just couldn't keep up. It was responding as described. The only
reason that I found out that it wasn't Ethereal was that I had to leave
it for about an hour after I stopped a small capture, when I came back
it had all the info. Once I turned off name resolution, the problem went
away. I experimented with attaching to different NS servers (BIND, M$,
and tinydns) and still had the same problem. Seeing as I had a "fix", I
never investigated it further figuring it was underpowered hardware.
> This is a pain in the neck. And other places.
Too true.
> Hmmm. maybe someone could write a DNS-only lookup function...
"Damn it Jim, I'm an admin, not a coder." It would be nice though.:)